Monday, July 13, 2009

Fire emblem General Rant part 3

If you ever did wonder the avatar here is based on a wallpaper on which I extracted the main figure and made a 100x100 pimped square, I have that truthfully in mind and I'm not hoping for community chaos because of such.

Carrying on we the evaluation we have n°8, Fire emblem Sacred Stones.
From where to begin... ok I got a reasonable set up, the story is boring and just plain none epic, I have no idea if the creators thought that fire emblems' good points were not incluiding the story or character development but its' easy to see there was no appeal in this area. Sure, it isn't as bad as n°6 and the map we are given too is far more dark and arcane (it's highlight) and yet I can't remmember anything from this game apart from having a none interesting relationship between two perfect abricombie finch models, hell I remmember their names Erika and Ephraim, I have to say, the name of the guy took my eyes instantly.
The setting could have been much more well done, I mean, just look at the continent and all the dark loomers around, of course, being a fire emblem game at heart they decided on the 'epic' win over all darkness and evil having to behold such radiating and boring brotherly love.
Sure, the upgrads seem to have been one of the center points of the producers, the art posses a really nice clean painting ish render and the chap advancing is no longer one head line as it has been till now, no ladies and gentlemen, here you can travel as you please through the continent, in other words, probably many complaints reached the creator ears and so they decided on doing the most easy and logical solution, traveling at will from poit to point where you have two ways; one being the one you already beated up so you could continue to the next and the other where the story would press on.
This is the overview you get each time you beat a stage or dot, this example just showing the the beginning;

It's clear to see they totally turned their attention to this upgrading part where you could lvl up and have the chance to select one of two classes for each member and gave out a rather cold shoulder to the other two points of story and characters, sure, the characters are not so bad and yet from what I could remmember never did attach myself to any of them, apart from the nice name Ephraim.
In short words, what could I say about the story? It's none attractive, predictable and boring, given the world and the characters I would have expected much more from the story line.
This last points to our character development area which is in simple words for me not-bad, true, the water colors and the rather dark shading is pretty appealing for gamers of fire emblem but their general blandness and none interesting pick ups leave them as they are right now in my opinion of boring.
The characters, apart from looking pretty and nice, decent if that's the word, could have been much more versatil, I mean, just look at the swordsgirl Marisa or Marica, she's supposed to be a cold and extremely dedicated swordsperson and she looks like she just got out of celebrity cocktails where every woman would gossip of how hot and none hot everybody looked, seriuosly, those boots are pretty high-heeled for me if its' for someone so not into the fashion world.
I know every character till now in fire emblem has high class taste in clothing and I have nothing agaisnt it, it's just these specific characters that I find myself doubtful and questioning if it's really true they have such and attitude or if they are just pretending for the hell of it.
Not all of them in this game are terrible, I mean, there's a mercenary with a buff body and a decent scar that clings to the word 'street wise', a dancer named Thetys or tetys that has mentioned at some point of how much she takes care of herself, a rather decent looking archer that looks seriuos, it's not all that bad, it's just, as mentioned earlier, a pity they didn't press much of the story and the characters in such a wide setting to tribute the great name of 'game developement'-Upgrades, not to mention those others that are equivalent to a turn off, ahem, girl beside this text.
Believe me, this is a good example of swirling hair beneath the rays of sun and across the 'bloody' mad war where dark creatures roam and want nothing but flesh, thanks but, I've had quite enough with that.
True, the other fire emblems have the same thing going and I haven't mentioned it till now and that's for a reason; these heroines have no personality whatsoever to explain their use of hair for that, it just leaves me believe they like looking pretty which has nothing wrong to it, if they could (Marisa) keep up with their attitude or at least personality that is.
I pretty much know fire emblem is about pretty people slaying the evil doors and I've liked it so far, but sometimes you just have the neccesity to question and be doubtful about their appearences and ways, if you have never thought about it and have nothing pulling down your interests about the matter, I recomend you this game, that is if you're ready for fair boring story telling.
Something that by this extent you've been probably wondering is the battle part, yes, in this game you are agaisnt not only bad people but bad monsters from Evil Von Dark, that's how you keep on killing and killing and lvl uping, this takes part from the upgrade section. Another point of this area is the general human a monster relationships, they sure try to make it as tight and not soffocating as possible, this is something I can't consider bad or good, it's pure taste.
In conclusion, the game is none epic and none memorable, it's bland in the area beyond pretty faces and nice coloring with a decent map, even if the creators unleashed all what the common sense would say they should have unleashed in the upgrading part it sometimes turns out to be a downfall because it doesn't feel as wanted as what the gamers wanted in the start.

Final scores:

Story: 5/10

Characters: 6.5/10 (just because they have Ephraim with a lance called reingleif and a decent art)

Setting: 7/10

Upgrade: 6.5/10

Total score: 25/40

"Enjoyable to an extent. Because of lacking appeal in story and character the game turns repetitive and none original."


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