Wednesday, July 15, 2009

07 Ghost (In short)

Games are not everything I do in the media part, anime is actually something of interest to me too, todays' a general and short course of 07-ghost.

Before I begin the rant let me say it clearly before this thing scrolls too much:
The anime and manga are WAY different, and seriuosly, is there any comparison? Hell no, the manga is much better in its' own league and I'll be sustenting this position.

The story itself is what it is the baseline of clicheƩ, a royalty orphan whose gary-stue features and mary-sue attitudes end up being a profesional assasin in the army that later on escapes from this army and dedicates himself to the right path of 'lightness' or whatever salvation means in this manga. Something I have to add before going along is that this being a manga where many of its' merchandise is solely purposed for fan service without a 'decent' plot, it's actually attractive at a certain point and you keep reading it for, well, fan service. It's not the nude or romantic fan service but the settings and world the story takes place in, not to mention often refferences to stuff I'm interested in: death bringers who each have a human identity, and the sometimes un dicipherable art which at times turn cool, hey, anything with feathers and magic/wind slashes are always welcome to me.
I have to say, later on, as the story unfolds (...) it gets more interesting because of the active participation of the main characters and another point that can actually turn easily into a downfall is the setting of a goal to the main character Teito, from what I understand, he wants to revive his fallen friend sacrificing his own, by the way, this is a josei people.
The following point is something that all 07 ghost readers have thought about even for a second, is this boy & boy love? Honestly, sometimes it's a clear yes to me while most of the time I say it's pure fan service for the girls (pretending and almost looking like it), this last said though is somehow doubtful, I have read somewhere in the most dark corners of the internet (mangafox forums) that both ilustraters of the manga are women and one of them (or both) have done yaoi, not to mention the obviuos uke face of the main character.
In summary, the story is nowhere near original but never did bother me to the point of criticizing it, it is after all just a online manga that has cool pictures from time to time.

The art, as mentioned earlier, is one of the things I can exalt from this manga(not anime), true, sometimes I have no absolutely idea of what is happening but well, I just get content having the main idea hanging about.
As you can see in the two images posted, they look catchy and very attractive (at least for me) and well, a manga with this art is always welcome in the beginning.
What more to say? It's just 'pretty', I can't say effective though, and it's something that goes side by side with the general mood which is, for me, none dramatic and pure fan service-able.

The characters are nothing more than pretty boy eye candies (from the perverted Frau to anyone), seriuosly, this thing is just something I could never take seriuosly, I mean, just look at the characters, they are just there to look pretty and I have nothing agaisnt it because it's a pure fanservice of a sweet windy world, the only one who took what you can generalize as 'attention' was the blonde Frau, and yes, it's due to his attitude and appereance, and role, and he is the partner of the main cha- nevermind that.

Before going to the ending I wanted to direct my attention over the boringness of the anime series based on the manga, let's get seriuos, who the hell would ever say this is their favourite anime or at least one you look foward to see? Hell no. It's as dull as it looks and seriuosly, because I wanted to have a solid opinion about it I watched the first episode painfully and unwillingly, in other words, moved by sheer inercia.
It's awful and boring, there is no shine or appeal whatsoever and I'd like to see one of the people who actually like it say why so, it'd be incredibly dull but well, this is a free world.

In conclusion, 07-ghost is nothing more than a sweet fan service with a cool world. I often don't see people taking it seriuosly because it just isn't and I'm glad they are like that.
If you are looking foward to slashy art with a relateable world of 'magic' or at least 'paralel world' with the mood of accepting anything that satisfy your human fan service in this area needs, be my guest.
I repeat myself again, if comparing anime and manga, the manga kicks hard the other, it's THAT bad, ok fine, THAT boring.


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