Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fire emblem General rant part 5

We're now in the last part of this general rant where the game evalutaed will be the game Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn or Goddess of Dawn as what I've seen on the internet for the wii.
This is the last of the series I've played, the newest for the DS is just not appealing to me at all, what was it called, Shadow Dragon?

If you want a decent review about the game I reccomend you the following link:
Video Review Radiant Dawn

Let's start of by saying this is what most of the gamers from Path of Radiance wanted in the upgrade area, more lvl ups with even more stats, the past characters that simply talked back then now turn to be one of your units, and lastly we have, of course, the continuation of the beloved game for the gamecube. That said, I can clearly imagine the new ones to the fire emblem series seriuosly bored and disgusted with their buy, I mean, it's simply not appealing to them, the games settings are quite of in that part so, what I am gonna say now it's what I believe is true and what many do too, this game goes to the ones who have played Path of Radiance and have liked it, simple as that.
What can I say about its' general appeal? Well, taking a liking of its prequel it's no doubt the nostalgia I receive, it's mainly that actually.
The storyline will press on and you'll see series of events that, if you played the gamecube game, you'll find highly interesting.
Something that I found a great idea was the division of 4 parts in the game, as the Blazing sword one where there were two you'll have here about 4 and heck, believe me, the tension sure rises at some point of the game.
People, like me, would be in the first part whinning and complaining of how much, instead of playing with a uninteresting band you would look always the opportunity to play with your past units (Ike), the first of the story was ok and it felt neccesary for the plot but yet again I can't stop thinking of how much I hated that band.
I'd say in general the story was highly appealing, it had great twists, not to mention narrations that would cover up some important wholes in the before game, and things to look foward too and, being a path of radiance gamer myself, being able to see how a new big story develops in the wide world of Tellius was just a must for me to read and play, not to mention I get to see my old units all pimped out with their new character arts.
I have to say that, being a critic in this area that has played the pequel, the storyline is very well done, you'll sometimes find it awkward to why your using such unit and stuff but as a fire emblem gamer that longs for good story development I didn't mind much (except for the micaiah parts, brr...).
Being a fire emblem at heart, the world view with a narrator won't be missing, believe me not. Some say it was annoying while I say it's perfectly fine, you can just press A and read faster.
Seriuosly, together with upgrades the story part was one of the things the producers were having sharp in mind, what a good point.
You'll get from time to time a little video which was, for my point of view, a great way to begin a new chapter, the graphics, well, don't expect a super different thing from the gamecube game.
I have to say, because this thing goes mostly the ones craving for nostalgia the box should have been a bit more alluring in that area instead of putting a unisteresting battle between a wyvern guy and a girl you don't give care about.
Looks like somebody noticed it and decided to do its own;

Yes Ike, stay in that spot.

About the characters, apart from seeing your old ones 3 years later, some pimping some chilling, you'll have new ones added to the list of units you've played with and, to tell the truth, none appealed to me as the past ones.
I've waited for the moment of characters to direct my sight to the other main character of the game Micaiah, oh dear Micaiah, how more dull can you look? in dialogue, artwork, mpa viewing, you're just a complete bore for me. I know pretty well and I've many times dealt in my mind that she is supposed to be like that, being I don't know what many years, her none personality and not lively output where she would just call our for 'Sothe' out. How more cliche can you get with that bird? I found myself many times cursing and willing to sacrifice her to the enemies as long as I conitnued with other bands.
Fine, the first time I played it it wasn't that bad, though, I simply kept on playing so I could see what would happen, the second time though, I couldn't stand her dawn brigade band, boring and none appealing.
Apart from that girl, I mannage to grasp on slight changes about the personalities of each past character that would show, at a certain range 'maturity' or simply put 'getting older'. I have Tormod as an example, sure, he won't look as big as Sothe grown up and his 'hyper' thing is still on because of his personality, what I notice is that he really does look 3 years later, not blabbing and doing the same things as the past one.
Something I've loved and enjoyed from this particular world is how much personality they put in the characters compared to the portable games.
It's plain to see that the interactions are always something I looked foward to be reading, this game is no exception in this matter as the prequel.
Something that disturbed me and lasted for a pretty long time was the new face of Soren when he dialogues, damn what a WTH, the pretty uke face of soren turning into a old lady in only 3 years, it was seriuosly weird, at least for me.

The setting itself is somewhat vague for the new people to the series, for the ones who enjoyed the past game it'd look awesome but for those it's just awkward and none interesting, seriuosly, does Daien matter weight upon any one who hasn't played agaisnt it before? Hell no. The world keeps on living and the gamer is set up in a much more larger range of opportunities than the older game, why and how? It's the mere fact that all the countries and general busy bodies of the continent have something to do in the plot line, that's what I call big in this case. The first part is, as mentioned earlier, dull, no appeal whatsoever where the highlight is about a girl you don't have idea about, yeah, I consider this a pretty big turn off.
Really though, the interesting parts are when seeing the past developed characters interact with each other, that was a high appeal to me. Later on, as the story progresses, I couldn't easily forget about the controller, it gets fast paced and your willing to keep up.
So yeah, in conclusion the setting is appealing to those who have played it, good grief.

Lastly we have the upgrades, the highlights being the other other character class evolve and well, that's it for the spotlight. You'll get another laguz race and that's all great, I liked the idea of adding the wolves.
New stuff like the reading narrator or the swift salutes and the end and beginning of the combat aren't that worth mentioning really.
You'll get the same battle system of path of radiance as well as the character interactions
Everything just points out of how much they were looking foward doing a sequel to path of radiance more than anything else, I have nothing agaisnt it.
The upgrades in short words are what many would call 'expanded from the older version', it's what all fire emblem gamers look foward to see the units more powerful, then again, for those who haven't played older fire emblems wouldn't tell the difference so they'd just not comment about it.
Sure, you can notice a pretty decent upgrade on the world envolpement area, it's for me the rsult of all the fan requests in which, yet again, I have nothing agaisnt with, I enjoyed it pretty much, didn't make it so annoying nor so repetitive.

Let's make a quick conclusion because this ranting has gone up my head.
Radiant Dawn was a very enjoyable game for me, the beginning is dull and I couldn't possibly feel instantly comfortable with the some characters but what comes next and develops as the story goes through I found it worth it.
This game as achieved for what's for me, a great appeal in the story area, bringing back past units and showing how much they have grown (ohhhh my little ones you've grown big and strong sniff, you make me proud/jk), it's what I call a total sequel to the Path of Radiance one.


Story: 8.5/10 (if only the beginning was so laggy)

Characters: 8/10

Setting: 7/10 (tried to make it fair)

Upgrades: 7/10

Total: 30.5/40

(I'll couldn't find a complete soren from Radiant dawn instantly so yeah, here we go)

"For those who crave for nostalgia and at the same time a bigger world."


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