Monday, July 27, 2009

Milans' long lost parents...

I wanted to intruduce you the pro-generators of Milan that, due to forbidden love and male pregnancy, he was born.

We present the fathers:

And so Milan was born.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Code Geass fist and second season (in short)

The guy whoms' name caught the attention of those looking for uniqueness, "Lu-something", passionate poses with montioned hands and body, a smirk or some eye-catching cocky or frustrated melo-drama expressions across his face, making fanarts crawl beneath his dark dramatic cape looking as dull as kindergarden scraps... oh and that yelling fan service generic endless fosforent green hair... Indeed, I watched Code Geass and liked it so I wanted to do a short rant about the series and as well a conclusion to it.

Code Geass was for me a 'finally something fun anime to watch after Death Note' (Leaving Ouran Highschool Host Club that is/coming soon), of course, you can't really compare both series, while one is colorful, action packed and just entertaining to watch Death note was simply epic in the way how it concluded all the twists and turns of the series, and seriuos toned. It's a must in my list, but well, Death note ranting comes way later. There's people out there that compare these series with each other, fine by me as long as they don't compare the moods and general atmosphere, which is too diferent to compare.
Code Geass was an anime I enjoyed seeing, sure, the beginning will sound a but in the generic side but later on they make it fun. Why is it that enjoyable? The series give you a decent plot and turn of events, a likeable character with development (not to mention a great model for avatars and wallpapers), none annoying and tiring machina cover, and lastly the art which is something you'll at times find it cool and mostly in the beginning deformed (not used too), never did bother me so much though and I actually find this a good job from Clamp (oohhh the poses/this is gonna be a fun point, keep on reading).
Lelouch is the character I was talking about earlier if you ever doubted, the main character and lead of the series, he has a rather generic build and general features but I guess that seeing him among his own (in the series) he gets his 'uniqueness'. You'll get a extremly repetitive generic past, it's not something I'm willing much bashing because it's simply not worth it, I even get the feeling the anime at times try to ignore some past stuff just for the sake of fun and actions, besides, you can deal quite a sum ignoring the clicheé past things easily, in other words, it won't pester you and annoy you till it makes you stop watching it, at least not not till they talk about REVENGE BAAWWWW(at least for me), it was always on the run so those things are really just points that are added and not much missed. By the way, the BAAWWWW of revenge isn't soo baawwish.
Another factor at this character likeness was, apart from being a pretty pretty beautiful ilustration model, the very fact that anime shows his life as this super kick ass masked general while having a 'ordinary' life in school, why 'ordinary', well, he is the Rebellius Lelouch of the Rebellion, at some point this actually intertwines creating new twists and critical points even in Lelouchs' bath (just kidding), in his ordinary lifestyle as a refugee student, so yeah, feeling identified with Luli is gonna be one of the strong points in appeal. Before I start with the characters I'd like to continue to the story and setting.
I will try not to spoil for the sake of those who haven't seen it so here goes a general sum up in the different areas.

The setting was for me one of those things I liked as I kept on seeing it, I repeat myself, the beginning would sound a bit too clicheéd but it actually turns fun and not so repetitive, this is due to the quick pace turn of events that seriuosly many anime out there are lacking.
So rest assured, the plot will never stop, it will always unfold and for my taste develops pretty decent to the extent of liking it and watching it with interest. I guess this point is one of those things that make many compare Code Geass and Death Note though seriuosly, it's too diferent to compare. As a quick intro, you get that Japan is beneath the empire of Britain-I mean Britannia and well, they are treated like losers so some grow to the rebellion side while others stay away from the plot clutches and participate as the screen figurines of abuse and story telling-sum ups. You get the japan world with people who really are no different from each other (between the two main sides in this (japan/britanian), they don't have slanted eyes nor anything that tell them apart, everybody with crazy hair, some less than others, and well, I guess it all resides in when they mention about it, oh well, Code Geass really didn't give heck in this aspect and such 'detail'/aspect didn't cause me pain whatsoever.
So yeah, the setting can sound really lame but it's actually kinda fun. The summitment to this huge Empire which will cause later rebellion and decent development in this area.

Leaving aside the eye thing/geass, the story and how the plotline develops is what most kept me seeing it, I already did a sum up before so you get the idea, decent plot twists and fun turn of events where you can actually see some 3d ness in the actions and characters, especially their reations and general atitudes to given circumstances, you might think this sounds extremly vague but I just can't tell much of spoilers so just stick to that vague idea, the plot, how it turns and the character mannerism are fun to watch.
Of course, the strongest point about the plot is, as Death note (just the idea), how Lelouch keeps on rising and rising the bar of consequences, I still remmember my little brother watching the series and everytime he'd finish a episode he'd say 'this is turning so more messed up'. That's all I'll leave saying from this element.
There's this obviuos not constantly annoying 'simbolism' that is between chess (The dark king meeehh...) and other stuff, but well, it's just all plain to see, I just wanted to add this because it kinda does go on.
Suming up this series (the first) is this:

About the characters, well, don't expect uniqueness and differentation between this series with others, I have to say though, it IS clamp and for what it has done it's not shabby nor bad at all, some expressions and scenes are really well done.
Apart from Lelouch, we have the fan-service n°1 before Kallen called C.C, pronounced C-2, something from her I totally guarantee is that the first impressions on her modeling and posing in great part of the art you'll get on google are not really much of her personality in the series, sure, she does 'care' of lelouch in some way but, seriuosly, all the art I was looking for this rant appeared the most generic of damsel-in-distress character with overflowing green hair, sure, it adds a 'drama' to the poster and all but really, she isn't what you expect and I'll just leave it to that, it just felt neccesary to say.
This series is appealing to boys and girls in the character area, girls because, well, just look at the clean colors and super outfits, and boys is ocassionaly mainly because of the fan service area, I'm not talking about the innocent fan service I talked about in the 07-ghost thing (apart from the yaoi refferences), it rounds up in this:

I have actually nothing agaisnt it and I know I'm just stating the obviuos but I felt like saying that one of the big characteristics of the female characters are their well done body, too well done.
So yes, you'll get fun characters to look at and it's all thanks to the art, aren't you happy boys.
Apart from the fan service we have, the never missing, shaoran (or however you write it) or Syoran of the series, yes, and this time he's not called syaoran nor is paired up with another brown-ette called sakura, he drives a hell patlabour in the name of justice, ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you Syoran in his latest evolutions:

Oh yeah and he's extremly japanese, anyway, he is japanese and this factor kinda is shown as a downfall on his world boo hoo, oh well.
I repeat myself, this japanese/britannia physical equality is not really bothering.
It's a fair gama of character variation and you'll get, as animeish as you can get, a rather satisfactory variety of characters, from nerdy, motherly, innocentish, teenage, dominatrix lookings.

About the art, well, as you could have seen from before it's really clean, when I was watching it I couldn't cease to think that nowadays the hunger of espectators go to the vector arts looking, I have nothing agaisnt, I like it too.
You'll get the big eyes, not annoying just big (I guess it's because the not so much use of dazzling ad gliterring white dots in the eye). All the characters looked as if:
1) Did a ritual in order to always stay as a stick build (mostly guys), cough cough-clamp.
2) All the girls in the backscene take some kinda of drug that make their physical extremly fan service-ish.
As said before, you get used to the art at some point, at least me, I guess it's because they aren't as bland as what many of us understand from their looks.
What I especially liked was the general fluent and smooth way of going with the actions in the scenes and art in general, well achieved for being such an anime.
As mentioned before, the expressions done by the characters go towards the genuine side and well, I would love to put some examples but I'm afraid it'll lead to spoilers, excluiding of course our dear model lulu;
Ok fine, the 'crazy' factor here is due to the crazy grin going over board on his left side.
Something that sooner or later you'd ask if you haven't seen the series yet is if Lelouch is crazy or just does it for fashion, I respond in the following manner; see the series and you'll understand, it's much more fun really to see it yourself than reading it in some rant.
Though, I have to say before you get dissapointed, it's more inclined to the fashion sense and camera capture just before they yell 'CUT. Excellent lulu, as always'.

For a sum up and conclusion I leave saying that this series is simply fun to watch, there are many factors on whom you can perfectly bash about for a whole year but it's just not worth it because the animes' charm really resides on the plot. So yeah, for those who haven't seen it I recommend them the series, it's not those to think hard or anything evangelion ish, it's just action packed and direct to the point, factors I like.
The reason why I didn't refer much to the sequel, Code Geass R2, was because, well, the first Code geass is enough for you to understand what goes about, maybe I'll do it in a near future, when I feel it's right.

In the following spaces I wish to show the general view of the series side art or general artwork for you to understand the liking to the series because of the posers and the frustation of those fanartists that have to deal with the great gama of stuff the artwork offers, it's clamp dear ones how can you possible expect to win them over character fanart-pimping-ism?
Be my guest:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

07 Ghost (In short)

Games are not everything I do in the media part, anime is actually something of interest to me too, todays' a general and short course of 07-ghost.

Before I begin the rant let me say it clearly before this thing scrolls too much:
The anime and manga are WAY different, and seriuosly, is there any comparison? Hell no, the manga is much better in its' own league and I'll be sustenting this position.

The story itself is what it is the baseline of clicheé, a royalty orphan whose gary-stue features and mary-sue attitudes end up being a profesional assasin in the army that later on escapes from this army and dedicates himself to the right path of 'lightness' or whatever salvation means in this manga. Something I have to add before going along is that this being a manga where many of its' merchandise is solely purposed for fan service without a 'decent' plot, it's actually attractive at a certain point and you keep reading it for, well, fan service. It's not the nude or romantic fan service but the settings and world the story takes place in, not to mention often refferences to stuff I'm interested in: death bringers who each have a human identity, and the sometimes un dicipherable art which at times turn cool, hey, anything with feathers and magic/wind slashes are always welcome to me.
I have to say, later on, as the story unfolds (...) it gets more interesting because of the active participation of the main characters and another point that can actually turn easily into a downfall is the setting of a goal to the main character Teito, from what I understand, he wants to revive his fallen friend sacrificing his own, by the way, this is a josei people.
The following point is something that all 07 ghost readers have thought about even for a second, is this boy & boy love? Honestly, sometimes it's a clear yes to me while most of the time I say it's pure fan service for the girls (pretending and almost looking like it), this last said though is somehow doubtful, I have read somewhere in the most dark corners of the internet (mangafox forums) that both ilustraters of the manga are women and one of them (or both) have done yaoi, not to mention the obviuos uke face of the main character.
In summary, the story is nowhere near original but never did bother me to the point of criticizing it, it is after all just a online manga that has cool pictures from time to time.

The art, as mentioned earlier, is one of the things I can exalt from this manga(not anime), true, sometimes I have no absolutely idea of what is happening but well, I just get content having the main idea hanging about.
As you can see in the two images posted, they look catchy and very attractive (at least for me) and well, a manga with this art is always welcome in the beginning.
What more to say? It's just 'pretty', I can't say effective though, and it's something that goes side by side with the general mood which is, for me, none dramatic and pure fan service-able.

The characters are nothing more than pretty boy eye candies (from the perverted Frau to anyone), seriuosly, this thing is just something I could never take seriuosly, I mean, just look at the characters, they are just there to look pretty and I have nothing agaisnt it because it's a pure fanservice of a sweet windy world, the only one who took what you can generalize as 'attention' was the blonde Frau, and yes, it's due to his attitude and appereance, and role, and he is the partner of the main cha- nevermind that.

Before going to the ending I wanted to direct my attention over the boringness of the anime series based on the manga, let's get seriuos, who the hell would ever say this is their favourite anime or at least one you look foward to see? Hell no. It's as dull as it looks and seriuosly, because I wanted to have a solid opinion about it I watched the first episode painfully and unwillingly, in other words, moved by sheer inercia.
It's awful and boring, there is no shine or appeal whatsoever and I'd like to see one of the people who actually like it say why so, it'd be incredibly dull but well, this is a free world.

In conclusion, 07-ghost is nothing more than a sweet fan service with a cool world. I often don't see people taking it seriuosly because it just isn't and I'm glad they are like that.
If you are looking foward to slashy art with a relateable world of 'magic' or at least 'paralel world' with the mood of accepting anything that satisfy your human fan service in this area needs, be my guest.
I repeat myself again, if comparing anime and manga, the manga kicks hard the other, it's THAT bad, ok fine, THAT boring.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fire emblem General rant part 5

We're now in the last part of this general rant where the game evalutaed will be the game Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn or Goddess of Dawn as what I've seen on the internet for the wii.
This is the last of the series I've played, the newest for the DS is just not appealing to me at all, what was it called, Shadow Dragon?

If you want a decent review about the game I reccomend you the following link:
Video Review Radiant Dawn

Let's start of by saying this is what most of the gamers from Path of Radiance wanted in the upgrade area, more lvl ups with even more stats, the past characters that simply talked back then now turn to be one of your units, and lastly we have, of course, the continuation of the beloved game for the gamecube. That said, I can clearly imagine the new ones to the fire emblem series seriuosly bored and disgusted with their buy, I mean, it's simply not appealing to them, the games settings are quite of in that part so, what I am gonna say now it's what I believe is true and what many do too, this game goes to the ones who have played Path of Radiance and have liked it, simple as that.
What can I say about its' general appeal? Well, taking a liking of its prequel it's no doubt the nostalgia I receive, it's mainly that actually.
The storyline will press on and you'll see series of events that, if you played the gamecube game, you'll find highly interesting.
Something that I found a great idea was the division of 4 parts in the game, as the Blazing sword one where there were two you'll have here about 4 and heck, believe me, the tension sure rises at some point of the game.
People, like me, would be in the first part whinning and complaining of how much, instead of playing with a uninteresting band you would look always the opportunity to play with your past units (Ike), the first of the story was ok and it felt neccesary for the plot but yet again I can't stop thinking of how much I hated that band.
I'd say in general the story was highly appealing, it had great twists, not to mention narrations that would cover up some important wholes in the before game, and things to look foward too and, being a path of radiance gamer myself, being able to see how a new big story develops in the wide world of Tellius was just a must for me to read and play, not to mention I get to see my old units all pimped out with their new character arts.
I have to say that, being a critic in this area that has played the pequel, the storyline is very well done, you'll sometimes find it awkward to why your using such unit and stuff but as a fire emblem gamer that longs for good story development I didn't mind much (except for the micaiah parts, brr...).
Being a fire emblem at heart, the world view with a narrator won't be missing, believe me not. Some say it was annoying while I say it's perfectly fine, you can just press A and read faster.
Seriuosly, together with upgrades the story part was one of the things the producers were having sharp in mind, what a good point.
You'll get from time to time a little video which was, for my point of view, a great way to begin a new chapter, the graphics, well, don't expect a super different thing from the gamecube game.
I have to say, because this thing goes mostly the ones craving for nostalgia the box should have been a bit more alluring in that area instead of putting a unisteresting battle between a wyvern guy and a girl you don't give care about.
Looks like somebody noticed it and decided to do its own;

Yes Ike, stay in that spot.

About the characters, apart from seeing your old ones 3 years later, some pimping some chilling, you'll have new ones added to the list of units you've played with and, to tell the truth, none appealed to me as the past ones.
I've waited for the moment of characters to direct my sight to the other main character of the game Micaiah, oh dear Micaiah, how more dull can you look? in dialogue, artwork, mpa viewing, you're just a complete bore for me. I know pretty well and I've many times dealt in my mind that she is supposed to be like that, being I don't know what many years, her none personality and not lively output where she would just call our for 'Sothe' out. How more cliche can you get with that bird? I found myself many times cursing and willing to sacrifice her to the enemies as long as I conitnued with other bands.
Fine, the first time I played it it wasn't that bad, though, I simply kept on playing so I could see what would happen, the second time though, I couldn't stand her dawn brigade band, boring and none appealing.
Apart from that girl, I mannage to grasp on slight changes about the personalities of each past character that would show, at a certain range 'maturity' or simply put 'getting older'. I have Tormod as an example, sure, he won't look as big as Sothe grown up and his 'hyper' thing is still on because of his personality, what I notice is that he really does look 3 years later, not blabbing and doing the same things as the past one.
Something I've loved and enjoyed from this particular world is how much personality they put in the characters compared to the portable games.
It's plain to see that the interactions are always something I looked foward to be reading, this game is no exception in this matter as the prequel.
Something that disturbed me and lasted for a pretty long time was the new face of Soren when he dialogues, damn what a WTH, the pretty uke face of soren turning into a old lady in only 3 years, it was seriuosly weird, at least for me.

The setting itself is somewhat vague for the new people to the series, for the ones who enjoyed the past game it'd look awesome but for those it's just awkward and none interesting, seriuosly, does Daien matter weight upon any one who hasn't played agaisnt it before? Hell no. The world keeps on living and the gamer is set up in a much more larger range of opportunities than the older game, why and how? It's the mere fact that all the countries and general busy bodies of the continent have something to do in the plot line, that's what I call big in this case. The first part is, as mentioned earlier, dull, no appeal whatsoever where the highlight is about a girl you don't have idea about, yeah, I consider this a pretty big turn off.
Really though, the interesting parts are when seeing the past developed characters interact with each other, that was a high appeal to me. Later on, as the story progresses, I couldn't easily forget about the controller, it gets fast paced and your willing to keep up.
So yeah, in conclusion the setting is appealing to those who have played it, good grief.

Lastly we have the upgrades, the highlights being the other other character class evolve and well, that's it for the spotlight. You'll get another laguz race and that's all great, I liked the idea of adding the wolves.
New stuff like the reading narrator or the swift salutes and the end and beginning of the combat aren't that worth mentioning really.
You'll get the same battle system of path of radiance as well as the character interactions
Everything just points out of how much they were looking foward doing a sequel to path of radiance more than anything else, I have nothing agaisnt it.
The upgrades in short words are what many would call 'expanded from the older version', it's what all fire emblem gamers look foward to see the units more powerful, then again, for those who haven't played older fire emblems wouldn't tell the difference so they'd just not comment about it.
Sure, you can notice a pretty decent upgrade on the world envolpement area, it's for me the rsult of all the fan requests in which, yet again, I have nothing agaisnt with, I enjoyed it pretty much, didn't make it so annoying nor so repetitive.

Let's make a quick conclusion because this ranting has gone up my head.
Radiant Dawn was a very enjoyable game for me, the beginning is dull and I couldn't possibly feel instantly comfortable with the some characters but what comes next and develops as the story goes through I found it worth it.
This game as achieved for what's for me, a great appeal in the story area, bringing back past units and showing how much they have grown (ohhhh my little ones you've grown big and strong sniff, you make me proud/jk), it's what I call a total sequel to the Path of Radiance one.


Story: 8.5/10 (if only the beginning was so laggy)

Characters: 8/10

Setting: 7/10 (tried to make it fair)

Upgrades: 7/10

Total: 30.5/40

(I'll couldn't find a complete soren from Radiant dawn instantly so yeah, here we go)

"For those who crave for nostalgia and at the same time a bigger world."

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fire emblem General Rant part 4

We go straight to n°9, Fire emblem Path of Radiance.
For those who don't know about who the guy in my avatar is I'll enlighten you and say its' the main character of this game for the gamecube, Ike.
Before I start ranting anything about plot, story, characters, upgrades, settings, and so on, I want to say, as much as many out there didn't like the idea of a wide screen fire emblem where the characters looked always too solemn and seriuos for their liking this fire emblem has marked my liking to the series.
With no longer adue I'll say why it's like this.
The first title of the series on the gamecube, not to mention it's origin was pretty late compared to other games. Path of Radiance has in my opinion a great plot, sure, the beginning will look shabby and incredibly dull and you'll be questioning if the buy was worth it. As mentioned in the first part of this ranting fire emblem was for me known as a book where you are able to see your units do their stuff, whoever doesn't like the idea of a something like this dedicated to be in a small screen rather than a LG it's perfectly fine with me, though, I have to say, the variety in gaming is always fun at some point.
In general, the story is well sorted and at times awkward but not annoying positions, as an example the sometimes placement of Ike in cleary too high positions interaction (his company involvement with royalty etc), I have nothing agaisnt it actually.
One of the best points of the game, in my personal opinion, is the characters. Sure, many already got used to the bland things of a common GBA pixeled dialogue, with no intention of offense, I found much more appealing and entertaining the interactions in the gamecube game, I guess I couldn't be satisfied with the GBA versions.

Ike not being a nobleman didn't much appeal to me in the beginning, as the story goes on I kept my eyes keen in his role as a commoner charging through different places and stages, it was what I considered interesting.
Of course, this kind of maneuver couldn't be done with lame dialogues, the interaction between characters are fair enough decent and the storyline itself rows smoothly and in ease.
I will try and not spoil anything so let's see, why do I like Ike so much? I find him the best fire emblem character ever made, it's not neccesarily because of his common blue hair with generic features of a rough boy (which isn't appealing to me at all) and this defying and taking different paths from the usual prince, but his development and personality, hell, his resolution and general interaction are for me well achieved.
You might notice I'm not asking much from a character, a solid and shapeable personality was enough for me to feel satisfied.
You'll get as the usual series more and more to your mary band of mercenaries and I have to say, still belonging the character area, Ike is not the only one with some personality.
I use as example the sniper Shinon whom in my opinion deal pretty well with his sarcastic, aloof and general attitude, at least I could re call these traits juts by looking at his character art.
It's not a surprise to question how the heck did Titania or Oscar got their armors so polished and so on, I couldn't answer this apart from saying 'it's fire emblem characters', 'the good guys will always be pretty to look at.'
We have as another added point the two distinct live forms; the humans who look human (beorcs: your usual units in the pre games) and the humanoids that posses a common characteristic from a animal (laguz), indeed, I have no doubt that at some point the producers were nervous of how this would turn on, adding humanoid animals into the realm of fire emblem, these characters are nothing lower of interesting than the general entirely human looking, in fact, most of them have much more personality than most of the usual looking units. This part is pretty tight with the upgrade section so it'll have to wait till then.
So as a sum up of this section, I say the variety of characters is relatively satisfactory, you'll see a nice and sweet princess from a rotting old man.
I repeat myself, the beginning is not near of how interesting it gets further on.

Not only is the character part well done but the setting is nicely output.
A band of goodie toes mercenaries that get involved in the whole continent bussiness Telius. With a decent and not entirely useless narration you get a well set up of where you are and why, it was pretty clear if you ask me.
Something I've waited since the beginning since character mentioning is the satisfactory spread of 'races' across the land, the laguz being south east from the other countries and kinda stick to each other seperated by frontiers.
It's in general a really fun world to look at, the setting seems simple and it's definately a world where I'd expect much. This last said points alot to what the producers did, even though Path of Radiance was a fun game where when finishing it you'd say 'it was fun,' you were undoubtly awaiting for more laguz beorc action, I mean, the whole main plot revolves around talking about a huge war and how much it must be stopped, sure, it is stopped (at this point I guess spoiler advertisement is futile) but you still want the huge calamity to strike as a gamer, as much as you pity all the people in there.
You'll get this last satiated in the sequel and that's what I'm mostly gonna talk about in the last part of my ranting.
Something to say before ending this part is that I found really fun the way each beorc and laguz generally see each other, sure, their general behaviors to each other are extremely expected but further than that I liked the idea of the insults 'human' and 'sub human', this last one in specific because it simply remarks the fact that their world has granted the laguz (sub human) less 'intelligence' than the beorcs (human) but have all general animal advantages as to instincts. Yes, in general I liked the whole concept.

Unit mannagement on the big screen was sure, big and 3d, kinda different from the usual pixels, many simply didn't buy the game because of the idea and other probably cut gaming because of the concept, I'm in the people who kept of playing because of the story and general curiosity.
Something that's out of the question though is that, of course, we were expecting much more than what was presented to us, a whole change scene for a strike o counter strike, no doubt the big screen makes it look like a mini movie in the beginning but later on it's a plain drag, of course you can just switch it off but improvement in that area would be highly apreciated, the game is after all a whole spin off from the usual series, why not make it? Of course, changing this one and one fight scene would mean great general changes in the usual combat area on whom I haven't actually sorted it out yet.
Something that wasn't so alarming neither TOO attention seeking was the dissapearence of some of the classes, why not so alarming? You have a whole bunch of laguz to cover up such, besides, not thinking so much in deph about the matter I'd conclude the creators were thinking something for making it like that, well, whatsoever I'm just one of the many gamers that play it.
The incorporation of other beings instead of the classic humans agaisnt humans was highly appealing to me, sure, the idea at first sounds vague and you'd many times question (if you were interested to begin with) if that's the best they could do about new ideas, I myself found it great, why so fun you ask? Because it makes each other remark themselves as the story unfolds to new series of events where each of them have a role somehow, besides, the laguz personalities are simply more true to what a animal would be if it took a humanoid form. From this last, people who aren't much of a fan or simply are but bugs them at some point, there could be questions of why they should take a human form and why should they be so 'human ish' if their 'true' forms are animals, to tell you truth, it's something on which I haven't thought much, till now I have simply enjoyed the fact there are other races apart from humans and that have things on which I can generally distinguish one and another, the game doesn't make it annoying.
Something from the technical part that is effective and at the same time not is the skill part, that's that.
You'll get a pumping intro and a decent character art if only some of them weren't so yelling in color.
Apart from the connection with characters and setting, the upgrade stands too on what is cinematography, sure, it isn't purely dissapointing and terribly bad, but damn Mists' voice annoys me and damn I prefer imagining Ike talking than actually hearing his english voice, it's simply retarded for me, the only save-able person is Ike's father and the singing part in the Serenes forest.

You'll get the usual fire emblem dialogue interaction, be it semi body showing or sprite field which is clearly something a fire emblem gamer would have expected more development or simply is satisfied and not molested with the 'improvements', personally, it wasn't such a bother and yet I always found myself expecting more in this upgrading media area.

In conclusion about this game I say it's the fire emblem whom, if you are open and a reader will enjoy much, sounds extremly vague and generic but I have no other way to say how you would like this. I personally did and till now would remmember things from the game, un questionably Ike and how he develops. The game itself isn't the best thing since best but then again no fire emblem game was pretty much in that area, it was for me always a chilling way to pass a quiet evening, just reading and going through the story with characters I like to get attached with.

Final scores

Story: 8.5/10

Characters: 9/10

Setting: 8/10

Upgrade: 7.5/10

Total: 33/40

"A fair playing fire emblem that, even if you haven't played the previuos ones, you'll fairly enjoy the story. The wide screen is something that has pros and cons, yet again, it's something to simply deal with."